Our Dogs
We started with Betsy (Slezak Farms Betsy) , who was rehomed from a farm in Michigan at the age of 1. She is now 10 years old. She is wonderful with children, informs us when one of the other dogs is breaking rules, and could be an excellent nosework dog. She is a good herder and has a PT title.
BrookeBrooke is officially CH Dranga Brak OA OAJ. She was imported from Iceland. I had fallen in love with photos of her mother and aunt by her breeders ,Hrefna Sigfusdottir and Agust Agustsson, on Facebook, and was thrilled when they told me I could have Brooke, who is named Brak after a heroine in the Icelandic Sagas. Her DOB is 5/14/2014. In my eyes, she is so beautiful like her dam Dranga Hetju, aunt Dranga Aska, and sire, Hellu Vaskur. She connected with me at the age of 5 weeks, and is typically at my side. She was a slow developer, somewhat of an ugly duckling as an adolescent, so I have not shown her much in conformation, particularly since few Icelandic Sheepdogs show in conformation in the Northeast. However, she loves agility- is faster than Scout, but her enthusiasm has interfered with clean run success- but this should improve over time. She is an AKC Champion in Conformation, has 14 points toward the 25 needed for Grand Champion, and is now competing in AKC Excellent Agility, although we have been on hiatus since she has been bred. She has the herding instinct.Brooke’s eyes are free of defects, and her hips were rated Excellent by OFA. One of her 3 littermate brothers recently also scored Excellent hips by OFA.
Brooke was also bred to AKC GCH Isneista Alspora Snati of Bayshore owned by Thordur Runolfsson in Oklahoma. |
ScoutGCH CH MACH Stubborn Elm's Ylfa MXB MJB XF
She has brought me great happiness. She was bred by Amber Jessop in Utah and Luke is her sire. Her DOB is 3/19/2012. She is the only Icelandic Sheepdog to be both a Grand Champion in Conformation and a Masters Agility Champion (MACH) in AKC agility. She also loves to cuddle, is a wonderful companion, and is good with children. She does have the herding instinct. When we walk in the woods, she is the first dog to return to me. Scout’s eyes are regularly checked (they are fine) and her hips have been rated Good by OFA. (no hip dysplasia). Scout’s half sister, GCH Tri-Star Jord, AKA Rain, also sired by Luke, was BOB at Westminster in 2015 and 2016, and she has multiple titles in Rally Obedience, Obedience, Barn Hunt, and Lure Coursing. Scout has been bred to AKC GCH Isneista Alspora Snati of Bayshore owned by Thordur Runolfsson in Oklahoma. RoyTri-Star Hroi Hottur Roy was born 9/6/2016 to CH Haugardeminde’s Sma CGC and my Luke via frozen semen. This was a repeat breeding and he is a full brother to Rain. His breeder is Sheryl Thelen in Michigan and I will be eternally grateful to Sheryl for repeating a breeding with Haugardeminde’s Sma and Luke.
In memorium... Luke
In Memoriam: GCHB CH Bjarkarkots Hroi Hottur Luke PT MX AXJ MXP5 MXPS MJP4 MJPB PAX OF
I imported Luke from Iceland. His breeder was Erla Bjork. Luke was one of those special dogs. He shined in the conformation ring, and was Best of Breed twice at Westminster, Best of Breed at the AKC Eukanuba National in 2013, earned his PT title in AKC herding, and in agility achieved the AKC PAX title, and was 23 points short of his PACH title when he suddenly became ill and died 11 days later from a meniogioma, a brain tumor, at the age of 7. He was my buddy. He greeted everyone enthusiastically. He was one of 2 dogs to participate in both the first Westminster agility trial and the conformation trial in 2014. His photo was published in the New York Times, and another photo was displayed on the large NASDAQ board in Times Square in New York City. You could see him on Good Morning America for ½ a second. I miss him every day and I named my kennel to honor him. He made us so proud and happy. My current dogs, Scout and Roy, were sired by Luke.
I imported Luke from Iceland. His breeder was Erla Bjork. Luke was one of those special dogs. He shined in the conformation ring, and was Best of Breed twice at Westminster, Best of Breed at the AKC Eukanuba National in 2013, earned his PT title in AKC herding, and in agility achieved the AKC PAX title, and was 23 points short of his PACH title when he suddenly became ill and died 11 days later from a meniogioma, a brain tumor, at the age of 7. He was my buddy. He greeted everyone enthusiastically. He was one of 2 dogs to participate in both the first Westminster agility trial and the conformation trial in 2014. His photo was published in the New York Times, and another photo was displayed on the large NASDAQ board in Times Square in New York City. You could see him on Good Morning America for ½ a second. I miss him every day and I named my kennel to honor him. He made us so proud and happy. My current dogs, Scout and Roy, were sired by Luke.